The best comedy series of all time

Curiosità divertenti sui Simpson - FocusJunior.itThe Simpsons

Even though the last seasons of ‘’The Simpsons’’ were not as successful as the first ones, we all must recognize that this series has been a cornerstone for comedy in the last three decades. The creator’s brilliant idea was to fill every minute of screen time with funny gags, cultural references, social commentary and hilarious situations. But what kept millions of spectators glued to the screen for over thirty years were the cartoon characters that somehow represent ourselves. It is quite easy  to identify with  the characters of the show, who experience hundreds of absurd  moments in a seemingly ordinary American town. 

I think ‘’The Simpsons’’ must be included in this list because this series has surely marked a new way of doing comedy, combining , in a single show, light and funny jokes and the serious problems of our society.

Friends - Hall of SeriesFriends 

I am sure you have heard about this one, even if the last season was broadcast in 2004. 

Luckily, this series is so well-written that the jokes seem to be timeless, even though the comic timing can be a bit different from the one which is common  today, in the latest comedy series.

I truly believe that ‘’Friends’’ is a fantastic comedy that captures the essence of friendship and the importance of having good friends on our side. Of course, this great yet deep message is hidden behind an enormous quantity of funny gags and hilarious situations. Throughout the ten seasons, the characters go through any kind of experience and find themselves facing these challenges with the help of their friends: money troubles, job changes, long distance love stories, the desire of having a family… 

So, if you have not watched this series yet, you really should give this timeless masterpiece a try.


The Office (U.S)

This series has actually two versions: the first one, the U.K version, had two seasons and was broadcast in 2001, while the second one, the American remake of the British ‘’The Office’’, was first  broadcast  in 2005, with a total of nine seasons and 201 episodes. So, the American adaptation has probably become even more popular and beloved than its source material.

The U.S boss Micheal Scott, with his inappropriate behavior and funny jokes, is surely one of the most charismatic characters of the series, but he is surrounded by a lovely and unique family: his co-workers. So, the series perfectly spreads the idea of finding a family in your colleagues and, even if they constantly make fun of each otherScopri i personaggi della serie The Office: ora su Prime Video! , they always have each others’ backs. For this reason, ‘’The Office’’ can be both relatable to your own experience and aspirational, showing how close these disparate personalities have become, by sharing only the workplace.

How I met your mother

Ted Mosby, one of the main characters, tells the story of how he met his wife to his two children. While doing that, he recalls all the experiences and situations he had gone through in the last nine years with his close friends: Lily and Marshall, an inseparable couple, Robin, a charming TV presenter, and Barney, a cool playboy. 

Lezioni di vita che How I Met Your Mother mi ha insegnato - Sara ScriveAt first glance, the series may seem just a love story complemented by funny gags and jokes, but it actually presents some interesting food for thought about life and its timing, love and friendship. 

Even though some consider this series a sort of new version of ‘’Friends’’, I believe that ‘’How I met your mother’’ really deserves to be watched.

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-Torta croccante di ricotta e Cioccolato- Prof. Maria Teresa Calzolari