Let’s talk AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the brainpower displayed by computer machinery. Over the last few years we’ve all seen its steady development, a process that is still ongoing to this day. Usually AI is mentioned when talking about sci-fi movies, Blade Runner or Ex-Machina to name some of the most well-known and acclaimed ones; however recent events have once again brought it into the spotlight for a very different reason.  

In November 2022 a revolutionary chatbot was launched by OpenAI, a research laboratory based in San Francisco and founded in 2015 by Sam Altman and other associates including Elon Musk. The object in question is Chat GPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a brand new AI capable of a wide variety of things thanks to its ability to learn and correct its answers based on the requests. To program this particular website it was necessary to give it access to a vast range of vocabulary and be closely trained by a group of researchers. For these reasons the program boasts both transfer learning (TL) and reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. While TL is the ability of a computer machine to gain and store the knowledge acquired while solving a problem in order to use it again when necessary, RL concerns the competence of an AI device to find the most suitable answer based on the context. 

These and other techniques were the key to fine-tune the robot in such a manner that its responses seem almost human-like.  

Some users are amazed by the possibilities offered by this software but, at the same time, alarmed because of its incredible skills in formulating, in the majority of cases, appropriate answers regarding any topic. Nonetheless there’s one big flaw concerning ChatGPT and that’s due to its limited knowledge of events that occurred after 2021, because of its training data and the fact that it is not connected to the internet. In addition another defect consists in its accuracy which is not always verified and sometimes the facts are completely wrong. The creators also confirmed that the AI is not allowed to express personal opinions and will decline any inappropriate requests.

All things considered, trying ChatGPT can be stimulating and educational when it comes to discovering the groundbreaking world behind AI. Besides, it is also important to keep in mind that it is always best to reason with our own heads before jumping to conclusions merely based on a technological engine.

Martina Carulli

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